Several motherless puppies were found in the forest and no one knows how they got there.
Friends of the Forlorn Pit Bull Rescue Foundation have been involved since the Henry County Department of Animal Care and Management was underwritten not accepting dogs thought to be bulls.
The puppies have been moved to a shelter in Georgia and are expected to die. Bulls will only be stored for 3 days before authorization from the Henry County Department of Animal Care and Management.
Animal control called mates at the Forlorn Pit Bull Rescue to ask if they wanted to rescue the puppies.
Rescue founder Jason Flat did not hesitate to welcome them.
Three puppies, Krissy, Nugget, and Sunshine, were immediately placed in foster care. However, there is also a thrilling story: Why does the sun have only one foot?If it was the effect of a birth defect or abuse, they would not be aggressive. However, Sunshine insists on a walk on it.
Sunny is a bit limited in adapting to the leg braces. In addition, they made 4 different sizes of prostheses, one for each developmental stage.
We don't know what happened to Sunny's legs, but she is very happy and productive in her new life!
Thank you to everyone who helped this woman get where she wanted to go.