Term Of Service

To help you understand, trust and use this website most effectively, IAD would like to send you the contents of our "Terms of Service". The right to use this website and services shall be governed by and valid on it. If you do not comply with the terms of service, we will terminate your access. At that time, Super Pet may automatically apply a warning level to you without notice.

The following are the contents of our Terms of Service, please abide by them so that Super Pet can continue to provide the best and most appropriate information and services.

1. Users are not allowed to download, publish, send e-mails, exchange, distribute or provide content that is considered illegal in any way in violation of the law. Especially content that is harmful, offensive, threatening, or harassing to individuals, groups, institutions, or readers. Do not spread content that worries others, tortures the process, promotes torture, insults, or defames others.

2. We also do not accept objectionable content, obscene content, or content that does not conform to culture and customs. Super Pet does not allow content that involves violating the privacy of others, content that is hostile to the state or other organizations or expressing racist views, racism, and many other reprehensible behaviors.

3. In addition, you must not publish, use or abuse the service to damage the health, cognition, or spirit, and adversely affect minors. All of these behaviors in all relevant forms are strictly prohibited by Super Pets.

4. Users are not allowed to use Super Pet's services to impersonate an individual or organization or to contact us as an individual or organization. This is quite different from the actual association of an activity with an individual or organization. Content must not tamper, manipulate, alter or intentionally hide identifying elements. Fake will hide, and falsify the true origin of content provided and sent through the Service.

5. You also may not delete, alter, or interfere with the content of the proprietary notices posted on our website. Without the consent and permission of the company, you are also not allowed to arbitrarily make, license, or authorize the modification, or creation of derivative works, translation activities, service changes, etc. on the website.

6. You are not allowed to use Super Pet's services for commercial purposes without our permission. We do not accept uses for the benefit of third parties. Unlicensed and Unlicensed Use of the Services.

7. Don't cheat with super pets. Please do not continue to compile, attempt to decipher, or interfere, causing the technical structure of the site to be affected and changed. In particular, do not disassemble, destroy or attack any component of the website. It is not allowed to change, destroy or penetrate the encryption technology and security measures applied by Super Pet to the website, as well as to provide services, maintain operations, store data, send activities, and receive and process Super Pet's information.

8. Do not collect any information about our users. Information about other Super Pet accounts will be kept confidential and protected. You do not have the right to infiltrate, monitor, collect or restrict others' access data and manipulate their personal information.

9. Do not post, send, email, provide or share in any way content that you do not own and are not authorized to share. Ownership and sharing rights are governed by legal and contractual relationships. Insiders, unauthorized release of proprietary information, disclosure of confidential information in the business, and relationships in the service of recruiting activities, and activities conducted under an information disclosure agreement are strictly prohibited.

10. You may not post, email, provide or share in any way content that infringes copyright, patent infringement, infringement, trademark plagiarism, confidential or another confidential commercial, copyright, or proprietary content without the consent of others.

11. You may not post, send, email, provide or share advertising material or promotional information in any way without permission. Do not send spam, bulk mail, chain mail, or mail for advertising, or multi-level selling purposes. Also, all other forms of manipulation and fraud are not permitted.

12. Do not post, send, e-mail, provide or share any files, malicious code, files, or programs of unknown origin in any way that may cause your computer to become infected. Do not collect data theft. No program or data may be used or distributed that directly or indirectly interferes with, restricts, interrupts, manipulates, or destroys the operation, functionality, characteristics, and integrity of software, hardware, data, or telecommunications infrastructure.

13. Do not obstruct or interfere with the normal lines of conversation on the site. Do not perform activities that affect the screen, or website interface: make the scroll bar move too fast when visiting a web page compared to the initial settings of the website. Do not interfere with typing while using the service. Do not take actions that negatively affect the transaction process, and participate in real-time corresponding interactions with other users.

14. Not to interfere with, disrupt or manipulate the service, the operation of the server, and the Internet network system between the server providing the service and the use of this website by other users. Avoid violating the requirements and non-compliance with the procedures, content, policies, and regulations established by the network operator in connection with the connection to the website.

15. Do not take any action or behavior that directly or indirectly disables, damages, reduces service operation, reduces connection to the Internet, or causes undue stress on the website.

16. The service shall not be used, whether or not it is intended to cause a violation of the laws, regulations, rules, directives, or guidelines promulgated in local, national, and national policies and regulations.

17. Super Pet's services may not be used to provide material support, or resources, disguise or conceal the nature, origin, characteristics, location, or change of ownership of incoming materials or resources for any organization.

18. Do not use Super Pet's services to violate privacy, or stalk or harass others.

19. It is not allowed to collect and store the personal data of other users using the services of Super Pet. The specific behaviors and activities are specified in the above content.

20. Please understand: You are solely responsible for all content you post, whether public or not. Meaning: Even if you use our website, Super Pet is not responsible for all content information you post, the content of emails, or the documents you submit or provide.

Furthermore, Sieu Pet is not responsible for the content of categories, reviews, and exchanges. We do not guarantee the quality, completeness, or accuracy of this content. When you use this website, you may be exposed to various content. Certain content may be indecent in nature and should be condemned. Super Pet is not responsible for content limitations, errors, omissions of information, representations, loss, or damage caused by the content and any other related issues.

21. These Terms of Service also acknowledge that Super Pet may or may not screen content, but we reserve the right to refuse to post, remove or remove inappropriate content. You can also make a complaint, request the removal of invalid content, content that violates intellectual property rights, legal value, etc. Website administrators can also block access and communication activities by restricting usage rights when necessary to protect the use of others.

22. You agree that you use the Content at your own discretion and at your own risk. In this regard, these Terms confirm that you may not utilize texts generated by or sent by Super Pet.

23. You will acknowledge and agree to allow Super Pet to access, retain and share your information as required by law or court, as well as government agencies, regulatory agencies, Super Pet's application permissions, or as necessary:

(a) Enforcement and compliance with the law

(b) Performance of these Terms of Service

(c) Responding to Third Party Complaints of Infringement of Published Content

(d) To respond to your comments on customer service

(e) Protect the rights, property, and safety of individuals or users of SuperPets and the public.

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